A few people called Narikin exist in Japan.
Narikin means "an upstart"or "a profiteer."
A most famous Narikin is Kinokuniya Bunzaemon.
He got millions of wealth by a commercial transaction
of lumber and a tangerine orange 300 years ago.
There is a legend that he was making himself satisfied with
scattering a lot money,"koban," on a banquet or a binge at night
Kinokuniya Bunzaemon
Much of Narikin which existed in Japan 100 years ago
is called "war Narikin." They got millions of wealth by
the great war business by the World War I.
A famous anecdote exists in them.
A hostess, okami (女将),
in a Japanese-style restaurant said,
"It's dark, and I don't know the location of the shoes well."
A war Narikin (戦争成金) said,
"I see, did it become more bright with this ?"
He lighted a bill to make the dark place.
Indeed this is a comedy.
If doing such folly activities now,
the Japanese economy would be an unexpected !
Now, the person who controls the Japanese economy,
indeed, seems going to do "a folly act an upstart or a profiteer.
He is a president
of the central bank of Japan ?