

The asteroid close to the earth

A big asteroid will approach
the earth in September, 2014.

An astronomical show can be enjoyed
in the Southern Hemisphere which an asteroid re-approaches.

This dog loves an astronomical show.
If he removes a telescope,
an asteroid will surely be visible to another thing.

For example,
if he looks into a telescope at the time of hungry,
it may be visible to what is surely eaten.

For example, a chicken nugget !

On the other hand,
if the leader of a certain country looked into the telescope,
"a folly" will surely be thought of immediately !

He says,"I have been knowing this asteroid
for some time all the time.Therefore, this asteroid belongs to my country."
What you own belongs to me andwhat I own belongs to me absolutely.
Sinocentrism is a too much self-centered and fearful thought.